Monday, September 05, 2005

The War on Looting (2)

Another levee overwhelmed last week was that protecting white America's First World from the surging tides of the predominantly black Third World of the southern states. Under these circumstances the Federal government is more guilty of fear and loathing than simple contempt. They know that they sit atop a nation that will run for the gun shop wherever and whenever public order disintegrates.

Former chat show host Geraldo Rivera (famously unembedded from Iraq after revealing US positions to FOX viewers by drawing maps in the sand) was the man on the scene in New Orleans this Saturday as those portable hurricanes known as Chinooks, buzzed around ineffectively: "This is Dante's Inferno! This is the worst I've seen in a civilised country". He should be well-travelled enough to know how thin a veneer civilisation is. I have my own vivid memories of French tourists, pub revellers and assorted bystanders joining in the Poll Tax riots of March 31 1990.

Things will all soon be ticketyboo again urges Bush. Yet up there in Airforce One he can probably see the formerly thick protective cloud cover of 9-11 being blown away by the post-Katrina winds of change. Will Louisiana be a red state next time round? Is the Bush presidency the worst natural disaster in his nation's history? Right now it looks like a category five clusterfuck. Fidel has been rubbing it in with offers of medical aid, so far unanswered.

For once many of the wetbacks will be swimming in the other direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloglines admits tech problem with feeds
Bloglines has posted that my suspision last week that the service wasn't reading feeds was correct, although they only admit to it being a problem from Thursday.
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