Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Payback Time

Managed to miss Dr Robert Beckford's documentary last night in which he argued that the descendents of African slaves should be paid compensation for loss of earnings. The Birmingham-based theologian estimates that such reparations should add up to £7.5 trillion.

Possibly a usefully controversial and well-intentioned polemical ruse, but lets hope he knows how silly it is really.

What of of individuals that go about their daily lives in the guise of white people that have the odd strand of African ancestry and the not inconsiderable number of 'black' people that have some secretive white genes stowing away on their chromosomes. How would Beckford calculate the proportionality of their claims? And how would you know how much of the interracial blending was voluntary? You wouldn't want anyone to lose out because there was a bit of rape in their roots.

If the 'cost' of African slavery has been discrimination and the relative economic disadvantage experienced by the slaves' descendents, then what of the people of African descent that live in this country that have no slave ancestors? Are they somehow less likely to end up in jail or in dead-end jobs? Should they not have a share in the pay out as they surely have a stake in the global consequences of the slave trade as well?

All this reminds me of Michael Fitpatrick's recent piece about the thriving cult of victimhood:

"The distinctive character of the identity promoted by multiculturalism is the identity of victim. In the world of multiculturalism, claims of victimhood provide the basis for recognition and status...In the competitive struggle for prestige (and state resources) unleashed by multiculturalism, every minority must justify its claim by elevating its sufferings."

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