Monday, August 08, 2005

The Cable Guy

Craig doesn't know it yet, but martyrdom is so last month.

I used to give him the benefit of the doubt because he was the only BB housemate who appeared to have seen through Makosi, but we're getting a bit tired of boiled bunny for dinner every night.

Nadia won last year on the basis of an impassioned appeal for public acceptance. Craig made the same plea last week, but it looks like the general public still find him pretty unacceptable.

Craig's unhingedly high expectations of friendship prompted us to take "a ride on the information superhighway" and revisit Ben Stiller's hilarious pyschomedy The Cable Guy, a movie with messed-up over and undertones that set it apart from mainstream comic fare, and no doubt contributed to its poor showing at the box office back in 1996.

V, a natural socio-phobe who freaks out at the merest hint of an acquaintance getting "on her back" finds it a particularly peppery treat.

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